
ITEP Applications – SFY 2018

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will accept applications for the SFY 2018 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP), Cycle 13 from October 2, 2017 to December 1, 2017, via ITEP’s online application site. In addition, one (1) hard copy of the application needs to be submitted to IDOT. This program is designed to promote and develop alternative transportation options, including bike and pedestrian travel, along with streetscape beautification. The federal funds are awarded competitively and projects must be related to surface transportation.

Federal funding levels vary from 50-80% based on project phase(s), with a local match of 20-50%. There is a $2 million per-project funding cap. Some projects may only receive partial funding.

In order to apply for ITEP funds, every applicant must be registered through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal. All pre-award requirements must be fulfilled or the application will not be accepted. To learn more, visit GATA Pre-Award Requirements website. General GATA questions can be directed to Your municipality/agency may already have register with GATA (will receive a GATA registration number).

ITEP Application Information:

ITEP Project Types:

  • Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities
  • Landscape/Streetscape and Other Scenic Beautification
  • Conversion of Abandoned Railroad Corridors to Trails
  • Historic Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Transportation Facilities
  • Vegetation Management in Transportation Rights-of-Way
  • Archaeological Activities Relating to Impacts from Implementation of a Transportation Project
  • Storm Water Management, Control and Water Pollution Prevention or Abatement Related to Highway Construction or Due to Highway Runoff
  • Reduce Vehicle-Caused Wildlife Mortality or Restore and Maintain Connectivity Among Terrestrial or Aquatic Habitats
  • Construction of Turnouts, Overlooks and Viewing Areas


  • ITEP Application Submission Period:  October 2, 2017 – December 1, 2017
  • ITEP Review and Selection Process:  December, 2017 – April, 2018
  • Announcement of Selected Projects:  Spring 2018

To learn more, click IDOT Circular Letter 2017-12 and visit ITEP website.